Set up mapping in Elasticsearch during Docker run Set up mapping in Elasticsearch during Docker run elasticsearch elasticsearch

Set up mapping in Elasticsearch during Docker run

I ended up doing this


version: '2'services:  elasticsearch:    image: elasticsearch:2.3    command: elasticsearch    ports:      - "9200:9200"      - "9300:9300"  elasticsearch-mapping-init:    build: elasticsearch-mapping-init    links:      - elasticsearch    depends_on:      - elasticsearch

and here is my elasticsearch-mapping-init/Dockerfile:

FROM ubuntu# Install packagesRUN apt-get update && \apt-get install -y curlCOPY /ENTRYPOINT ["/"]

and here is my elasticsearch-mapping-init/

#!/bin/bashfor i in {30..0}; do    if curl elasticsearch:9200; then        curl -XPUT elasticsearch:9200/_template/log -d '            {                "template" : "log-*",                "settings": {                   "number_of_shards": 1                },                "mappings" : {                }            }';            break;    fi    sleep 2done

I believe this is not perfect, and I'm still looking for a better solution.