Setup a graylog2 server with elasticsearch in a vagrant machine Setup a graylog2 server with elasticsearch in a vagrant machine elasticsearch elasticsearch

Setup a graylog2 server with elasticsearch in a vagrant machine

elasticsearch_network_host is not what you think. It is about the elasticsearch /client/ within graylog, and not the elasticsearch server you want to connect with. So graylog is trying to listen on which isn't a valid IP address on the graylog system (your dev machine).

You most likely want to set these variables in graylog2 config:

elasticsearch_discovery_zen_ping_multicast_enabled = falseelasticsearch_discovery_zen_ping_unicast_hosts =

Here is where I got stuck, but that was because I had elasticsearch 1.0 installed when I needed 0.90. I'll now more once my puppet/vagrant stack finishes re-provisioning. =)

EDIT: Mine is working now.