SonarQube Process exited with exit value [es]: 137 SonarQube Process exited with exit value [es]: 137 elasticsearch elasticsearch

SonarQube Process exited with exit value [es]: 137

it is memory problem. We experienced that kind of problems when we run Sonar as container and we try to limit maximum memory available for Sonar container below 2GB or RAM.

The Sonar runs under the hood Elasticsearch which requires a lot of memory so in this case I suggest to assign more that 2GB for Sonar.

You could also try to limit memory by ES_JAVA_OPTS below 2GB (if you have limited memory server) but when I've tried to play with this option Sonar started sucessfully but after some time and with some traffic problem returns and container stopped.

So the desciption on the ticket mentioned above that this is memory issue is correct:

So I I think in this situation the easiest way to deal with the problem - just increase the memory for your Sonar server (container).

I found this page looking for SonarQube Process exited with exit value [es]: 1 .

I my case the answer was not memory but the fact that I tried to run as root. Thanks to @Varun for the comment on the original question.

running as a non privileged user solved it for me

root@hostname # useradd sonarroot@hostname # chown -R sonar:sonar /opt/sonarquberoot@hostname # su - sonarsonar@hostname # cd /opt/sonarqubesonar@hostname # bin/linux-x86-64/ console

The permissions on /opt/sonarqube are probably too wide but this is just a trial install.