Sorting on elastic search with node js Sorting on elastic search with node js elasticsearch elasticsearch

Sorting on elastic search with node js

Try this instead:{     index: indexName,     type: id,     body: {        sort: [{ "_uid": { "order": "desc" } }],        size: 1,        query: { match_all: {}}     } })

This also works with the square brackets around it so you can add more than one sort criteria like ['_uid:desc', 'id:asc']{         index: indexName,         sort: ['_uid:desc'],         type: id,         body: {            size: 1,            query: { match_all: {}}         }     })

This also works :{     index: indexName,     sort: '_uid:desc',     type: id,     body: {        size: 1,        query: { match_all: {}}     } })