Specify the _id field using Bulk.IndexMany in ElasticSearch Specify the _id field using Bulk.IndexMany in ElasticSearch elasticsearch elasticsearch

Specify the _id field using Bulk.IndexMany in ElasticSearch

You can set _id similarly to how you're setting the index name on the BulkDescriptor. Given the following POCO

public class Message{    public string Content { get; set; }}

Setting the ids using an incrementing counter for example

var documents = new[] {    new Message { Content = "message 1" },    new Message { Content = "another message" },    new Message { Content = "yet another one" }};var indexName = "index-name";   var id = 0;client.Bulk(bd => bd    .IndexMany(documents, (descriptor, s) => descriptor.Index(indexName).Id(++id)));

yields the following request

POST http://localhost:9200/_bulk{"index":{"_index":"index-name","_type":"message","_id":1}}{"content":"message 1"}{"index":{"_index":"index-name","_type":"message","_id":2}}{"content":"another message"}{"index":{"_index":"index-name","_type":"message","_id":3}}{"content":"yet another one"}