Spell check Ngram for elastic Search not working with rails Spell check Ngram for elastic Search not working with rails elasticsearch elasticsearch

Spell check Ngram for elastic Search not working with rails

Try to add fuzziness in your multi_match query:

{      "query": {        "multi_match": {          "query": "Rentaal",          "fields": ["name^10", "service"],          "fuzziness": "AUTO"      }    }}


Kstem filter is used for reducing words to their root forms and it does not work as you expected here - it would handle corectly phrases like Renta or Rent, but not the misspelling you provided.

You can check how stemming works with following query:

curl -X POST \  'http://localhost:9200/my_index/_analyze?pretty=true' \  -d '{  "analyzer" : "edge_ngram_analyzer",  "text" : ["rentaal"]}'

As a result I see:

{    "tokens": [        {            "token": "ren"        },        {            "token": "rent"        },        {            "token": "renta"        },        {            "token": "rentaa"        },        {            "token": "rentaal"        }    ]}

So typical misspelling will be handled much better with applying fuzziness.