Spring Data Elasticsearch's @Field annotation not working Spring Data Elasticsearch's @Field annotation not working elasticsearch elasticsearch

Spring Data Elasticsearch's @Field annotation not working

I could finally replicate and solve the problem. The fact is that I was using ElasticTemplate for indexing and searching docs instead of repositories, because my business logic got a more complicated (use of aggregations, etc.).

After that, I removed the unused OperationDocumentRespository. It seems that the repository is needed for the type mapping being posted to ES server on startup. I thought having the @Document class should be enough, but it isn't.

So we have two options here:

  • Keep the OperationDocumentRepository
  • Add this line to the app startup:


I tried to replicate issue using spring data elasticsearch sample application but as per your configuration i am getting the desired results as mentioned above.

Entire code is committed to project here --> link

Look at the TestCase which generate index and apply mapping when spring context loaded--> link

Here is mapping generated by TestCase :

  {  "operations" : {    "aliases" : { },    "mappings" : {      "operation" : {        "properties" : {          "dateUp" : {            "type" : "date",            "store" : true,            "format" : "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm"          },          "operationName" : {            "type" : "string",            "store" : true,            "analyzer" : "standard"          },          "sectors" : {            "type" : "nested"          },          "someTransientData" : {            "type" : "string",            "index" : "not_analyzed"          }        }      }    },    "settings" : {      "index" : {        "refresh_interval" : "1s",        "number_of_shards" : "5",        "store" : {          "type" : "fs"        },        "creation_date" : "1428677234773",        "number_of_replicas" : "1",        "version" : {          "created" : "1040499"        },        "uuid" : "-djzLu-IQ0CBs-M6R0-R6Q"      }    },    "warmers" : { }  }}

Can you create similar example with spring boot using https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/tree/master/spring-boot-samples/spring-boot-sample-data-elasticsearch

and commit on public share?

I encountered this error as well using spring-data-elasticsearch and got a solution. Just put codes below, please check the comments.ES prohibited changing field types after indexes created. However you can change other attributes like fielddata.

  • Spring Data Elasticsearch 3.2.x
  • Elasticsearch 6.8.4
  • Spring Boot 2.2.x
package com.xxxx.xx.es.entity;import lombok.Builder;import lombok.Data;import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;import org.springframework.data.annotation.Id;import org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.annotations.Document;import org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.annotations.Field;import org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.annotations.FieldType;import org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.annotations.Mapping;@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)@Data@Builder@Document(indexName = "gaming-laptop", indexStoreType = "fs")@Mapping(mappingPath = "/gaming-laptop-mappings.json")   // use custom json to configure data structure in ES, default spring data won't work although using @Field(type = FieldType.Keyword)public class GamingLaptop extends BaseEntity {    @Id    private String id;    @Field    private String cpu;    @Field(type = FieldType.Keyword)  // this only works in ES 7.6.2+, Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.0.X+    private String brandName;    @Field    private Integer cores;    @Field    private Integer threads;    @Field    private String coreFrequency;    @Field    private String ssd;    @Field    private String ram;    @Field    private String produceDate;    @Field    private Integer version;    @Field    private Double price;    @Field(type = FieldType.Keyword)    private String description;}


{    "properties":{        "_class":{            "type":"text",            "fields":{                "keyword":{                    "type":"keyword",                    "ignore_above":256                }            }        },        "brandName":{            "type":"keyword"        },        "coreFrequency":{            "type":"text",            "fields":{                "keyword":{                    "type":"keyword",                    "ignore_above":256                }            }        },        "cores":{            "type":"long"        },        "cpu":{            "type":"text",            "fields":{                "keyword":{                    "type":"keyword",                    "ignore_above":256                }            }        },        "description":{            "type":"keyword"        },        "gmtCreated":{            "type":"text",            "fields":{                "keyword":{                    "type":"keyword",                    "ignore_above":256                }            }        },        "gmtModified":{            "type":"text",            "fields":{                "keyword":{                    "type":"keyword",                    "ignore_above":256                }            }        },        "price":{            "type":"float"        },        "produceDate":{            "type":"text",            "fields":{                "keyword":{                    "type":"keyword",                    "ignore_above":256                }            }        },        "ram":{            "type":"text",            "fields":{                "keyword":{                    "type":"keyword",                    "ignore_above":256                }            }        },        "ssd":{            "type":"text",            "fields":{                "keyword":{                    "type":"keyword",                    "ignore_above":256                }            }        },        "threads":{            "type":"long"        },        "version":{            "type":"long"        }    }}

Alternatively you can adapt Javier Alvarez's method by using rest high level client:elasticsearchTemplate.putMapping(OperationDocument.class);