Surrounding multiple words with tags - ElasticSearch Highlighter in Java Surrounding multiple words with tags - ElasticSearch Highlighter in Java elasticsearch elasticsearch

Surrounding multiple words with tags - ElasticSearch Highlighter in Java

I found what was the problem. I was using plain highlighter instead of fast vector highlighter. Just adding fast vector highlighter solved my problem.

To enable fast vector highlighter, I added specific mapping for type on which I performed search.

Precisely, i added

.field("term_vector", "with_positions_offsets")

on the field on which I wanted to perform highlighting.

// Create mappingXContentBuilder xb = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder()        .startObject()        .startObject("document")        // - document        .startObject("properties")        // - properties        //        .startObject("content")        .field("type", "string")        .field("term_vector", "with_positions_offsets")        .endObject()        //        //        .startObject("contentType")        .field("type", "string")        .endObject()        //        //        .startObject("fileName")        .field("type", "string")        .endObject()        //        //        .startObject("fileSize")        .field("type", "long")        .endObject()        //        //        .startObject("openable")        .field("type", "string")        .endObject()        //        //        .startObject("ownerUserId")        .field("type", "string")        .endObject()        //        //        .startObject("privacy")        .field("type", "string")        .endObject()        //        //        .startObject("searchable")        .field("type", "string")        .endObject()        //        // - end properties        .endObject()        // - end document        .endObject()        .endObject();// Prepare mappingPutMappingRequestBuilder pmrb = client.admin().indices()        .preparePutMapping("user")        .setType("document");pmrb.setSource(xb);// Create type and mappingPutMappingResponse response = pmrb.execute().actionGet();if (!response.isAcknowledged()) {"Error while creating mapping for user document.");} else {"Mapping created for user document.");}

Some info on that subject: link