Timestamp not appearing in Kibana Timestamp not appearing in Kibana elasticsearch elasticsearch

Timestamp not appearing in Kibana

You'll need to take these quick steps first :

  1. Go to Settings → Advanced.
  2. Edit the metaFields and add "_timestamp". Hit save.
  3. Now go back to Settings → Indices and _timestamp will be available in the drop-down list for "Time-field name".

Kibana 4 Advanced Settings metaFields

In newer versions you are required to specify the date field before you send your data.

Your date field must be in a standard format such as miliseconds after Epoch (long number) or - just as suggested by MrE - in ISO8601.See more info here: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/date.html

Again, before you send your data to the index, you must specify the mapping for this field. In python:

import requestsmapping = '{"mappings": {"your_index": {"properties": {"your_timestamp_field": { "type": "date" }}}}}'requests.put('http://yourserver/your_index', data=mapping)...send_data()

My es version is 2.2.0

You have to the right schema. I follow the guide Eg:

 {        "memory": INT,        "geo.coordinates": "geo_point"        "@timestamp": "date"    }

If you have the @timestamp, you will see the enter image description here

ps: if your schema doesn't have "date" field, do not check "Index contains time-based events