Titan standard indexing vs Elastic Search indexing Titan standard indexing vs Elastic Search indexing elasticsearch elasticsearch

Titan standard indexing vs Elastic Search indexing

What you read in the wiki is correct. Titan is only capable of using "standard indices" for exact matches. Note what happens when I try this code in the Titan Console:

gremlin> g.V.has('mytext',Text.REGEX,'.*vertex.*').map;WARN  com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.transaction.StandardTitanTx  - Query requires iterating over all vertices [(mytext REGEX .*vertex.*)]. For better performance, use indexes==>{mytext=i am the first vertex., age=123}==>{mytext=hello from a vertex., age=456}

As you can see, no indices are being used (standard or otherwise). Titan simply does the regex evaluation in-memory. Had you defined an ElasticSearch index on mytext Titan would have realized that and optimized the query to utilize that index and you wouldn't have seen that message.