Unable to add 2 subnets for an ElasticSearch with Terraform Unable to add 2 subnets for an ElasticSearch with Terraform elasticsearch elasticsearch

Unable to add 2 subnets for an ElasticSearch with Terraform

You're missing zone_awareness_enabled parameter in the cluster_config which is required when using multi AZ Elasticsearch clusters.

Thanks @ydaetskcoR for pointing out the way.

I'll share the struggles I had with the configuration of availability_zone_count and subnet_ids - hopefully it can save some time for others.

Some context to the problem:

A) I tried to create a Multi zone ES cluster.

B) I had 4 subnets for the data tier (contains other types of DBs as well) and wanted the cluster to be splitted between the available AZs in the current region (3 AZs) - so one of the AZs will have 2 subnets and 2 ES Instances.

Be aware that:

1: The availability_zone_count field under the zone_awareness_config block should have the exact amount like the available AZs.

2: The subnet_ids field under the vpc_options block should contain the same number of AZs you specified under availability_zone_count.

So, in one sentence: availability_zone_count == (available AZs) == length( subnet_ids)

Below is a code snippet with the relevant parts (follow also the comments - it might also save you some time):

resource "aws_elasticsearch_domain" "staging" {    domain_name  = ...    vpc_options{       subnet_ids = "${local.subnet_ids}"  # Instead of: [for s in aws_subnet.data_tier : s.id] which will lead to: Error creating ElasticSearch domain: ValidationException: You must specify exactly three subnets because you’ve set zone count to three.    }    cluster_config {       zone_awareness_enabled = true #If you ignore it you'll get: Error creating ElasticSearch domain: ValidationException: You must specify exactly one subnet       #Notice that there is no "=" Below - or you'll visit this thread: https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-aws/issues/12365       zone_awareness_config {         availability_zone_count = "${length(var.region_azs)}"       }    }    .    . }#Take only X number of subnets where X is the number of available AZs)locals {  subnet_ids = "${slice(aws_subnet.data_tier.*.id, 0, length(var.region_azs))}"}  # Added this also due to: Error creating ElasticSearch domain: ValidationException: Before you can proceed, you must enable a service-linked role to give Amazon ES permissions to access your VPC.# Solved with: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47229247/validationexception-before-you-can-proceed-you-must-enable-a-service-linked-ro (Terraform related Answer)resource "aws_iam_service_linked_role" "es" {  aws_service_name = "es.amazonaws.com"  description      = "Allows Amazon ES to manage AWS resources for a domain on your behalf."}