Understanding elasticsearch circuit_breaking_exception Understanding elasticsearch circuit_breaking_exception elasticsearch elasticsearch

Understanding elasticsearch circuit_breaking_exception

Let us see what we have here, step by step:

[parent] Data too large, data for [<http_request>]

gives the name of the circuit breaker

would be [1031753160/983.9mb], 

says, how the heap size will look, when the request would be executed

which is larger than the limit of [986932838/941.2mb],

tells us the current setting of the circuit breaker above

real usage: [1002052432/955.6mb],

this is the real usage of the heap

new bytes reserved: [29700728/28.3mb],

actually an estimatiom, what impact the request will have (the size of the data structures which needs to be created in order to process the request). Your ~10MB file will probably consume 28.3MB.

usages [    request=0/0b,     fielddata=0/0b,    in_flight_requests=29700728/28.3mb,     accounting=202042/197.3kb]

This last line tells us how the estmation is being calculated.