User authentication in Elasticsearch without third party tools User authentication in Elasticsearch without third party tools elasticsearch elasticsearch

User authentication in Elasticsearch without third party tools

Yes it is possible and you can use X-Pack, which is an Elastic Stack extension that provides security. By default, when you install Elasticsearch, X-Pack is installed with a 30-day trial. here the docs:

If you are looking for something open-source opendistro for elasticsearch provides the same services for free and has support for Active Directory, LDAP, Kerberos, SAML, and OpenID Connect, here the docs:

If you wish you can install the OSS version of elasticsearch, which includes only Apache 2.0 licensed code (here: and then install the standalone plugin for security with this command:

`sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install`

as described here:

Let me know if you need help for configure authentication!Good luck!

The basic auth part if free starting from Elasticsearch 6.8. However, you'll need to buy X-Pack for advanced stuff like LDAP Authn / Authz.