Using Elasticsearch with RSpec and Factorygirl Using Elasticsearch with RSpec and Factorygirl elasticsearch elasticsearch

Using Elasticsearch with RSpec and Factorygirl

I have this setup working. I think you are just missing a call to Model.import to import the records into elasticsearch. You also need to make sure any factory creates happen in a let! block, not within your test so that the import will pick up those new records. Try something like this:


context "elasticsearch tests" do  let!(:display) { FactoryGirl.create(:display, client: @client) }  it "will return a list of displays", :elasticsearch do    get :index, { :format => :json }, { "Accept" => "application/json" }    # returns Status: 200 OK    expect(response.status).to eq 200    json = JSON.parse(response.body)    expect(json.count).to be > 0  endend


RSpec.configure do |config|  ...  ES_CLASSES = [Event, Interaction, Perch]  config.before :all do    ES_CLASSES.each do |esc|      esc.__elasticsearch__.client.indices.create(        index: esc.index_name,        body: { settings: esc.settings.to_hash, mappings: esc.mappings.to_hash }      )    end  end  config.after :all do    ES_CLASSES.each do |esc|      esc.__elasticsearch__.client.indices.delete index: esc.index_name    end  end  config.before(:each, elasticsearch: true) do    ES_CLASSES.each { |esc| esc.import(refresh: true, force: true) }  endend