Using logstash and elasticseach Using logstash and elasticseach elasticsearch elasticsearch

Using logstash and elasticseach

Here is how we managed to fix this and other problems with Logstash not processing files correctly on Windows:

  1. Install the ruby-filewatch patch as explained here:logstash + elasticsearch : reloads the same data

  2. Properly configure the Logstash input plugin:

    input {  file {      path => ["C:/Path/To/Logs/Directory/*.log"]      codec => json { }      sincedb_path => ["C:/Path/To/Config/Dir/sincedb"]      start_position => "beginning"  }}...

"sincedb" keeps track of your log files length, so it should have one line per log file; if not, then there's something else wrong.

Hope this helps.

Your output scope looks not complete. Here's the list of the output parameters

Please, try:

input {    file {        type => "nextgen-app"        path => [ "F:\NextGen-dev\RestApi\app\logs\*.log" ]        codec => "json"    }   }output {    elasticsearch {        host => "localhost"        port => 9200        protocol => "http"        index => "logstash-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"    }}

Alternatively, you can try the transport protocol:

output {    elasticsearch {        host => "localhost"        port => 9300        protocol => "transport"        index => "logstash-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"    }}

I also recommend using Kibana as a data viewer. You can download it at