Using scan and scroll for elasticSearch on sense Using scan and scroll for elasticSearch on sense elasticsearch elasticsearch

Using scan and scroll for elasticSearch on sense

I found the problem, I had specified the index my_index in the server box on sense. Removing this and re-executing the post command as:

POST /my_index/_search?scroll=10m&search_type=scan{    "query": { "match_all": {}}}

and passing the resulting scroll_id as:

GET _search/scroll?scroll=1m&scroll_id="c2Nhbjs1OzE4ODY6N[...]c5NTU0NTs="


This works in my sense (of course you should replace the id from your case; don't use ")

POST /test/_search?search_type=scan&scroll=1mGET /_search/scroll?scroll=1m&scroll_id=c2Nhbjs1OzI[...]Tt0b3RhbF9oaXRzOjQ7