Where do .raw fields come from when using Logstash with Elasticsearch output? Where do .raw fields come from when using Logstash with Elasticsearch output? elasticsearch elasticsearch

Where do .raw fields come from when using Logstash with Elasticsearch output?

You're correct in your assumption that the .raw fields are the result of a dynamic template for string fields contained in the default index template that Logstash creates IF manage_template: true (which it is by default).

The default template that Logstash creates (as of 2.1) can be seen here. As you can see on line 26, all string fields (except the message one) have a not_analyzed .raw sub-field created.

However, the template hasn't changed in the latest Logstash versions as can be seen in the template.json change history, so either something else must be wrong with your install or you've changed your Logstash config to use your own index template (without .raw fields) instead.

If you run curl -XGET localhost:9200/_template/logstash* you should see the template that Logstash has created.