With what function does Elasticsearch 7.5 calculate a default score? With what function does Elasticsearch 7.5 calculate a default score? elasticsearch elasticsearch

With what function does Elasticsearch 7.5 calculate a default score?

Prior to lucene 6.X, ES was using tf/idf as its default scoring algorithm, which they changed to BM25 once they started using Lucene 6.X and higher.

ES 7.5.1 uses Lucene 8.3.1 and they are using BM25 as their default scoring algorithm.

More details about the announcement of this change and other important links are below:

BM25 announcement:- https://www.elastic.co/elasticon/conf/2016/sf/improved-text-scoring-with-bm25

BM25 details and internals :- https://speakerdeck.com/elastic/improved-text-scoring-with-bm25

How to configure different scoring algo : https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/similarity.html