Access "app" variable inside of ExpressJS/ConnectJS middleware? Access "app" variable inside of ExpressJS/ConnectJS middleware? express express

Access "app" variable inside of ExpressJS/ConnectJS middleware?

Request objects have an app field. Simply use to access the app variable.

Generally I do the following.

var myMiddleware = require('./lib/mymiddleware.js')(app); function(){  app.use( myMiddleware );  ...}

And the middleware would look like this...

module.exports = function(app) {  app.doStuff.blah()  return function(req, res, next) {    // actual middleware  }}

You can also attach a variable to the Node global object, like so:

//some-module.jsglobal.someVariable = "some value!";//another-module.jsconsole.log(global.someVariable); // => "some value!"

Note that Nitzan Shaked's answer (using is a much better approach.

In fact, I don't advise using this solution at all. I'm leaving it solely for completeness, because it works, but it's bad practice in almost every situation (excepting adding polyfills).