Angular routing in HTML5mode with Node.js Angular routing in HTML5mode with Node.js express express

Angular routing in HTML5mode with Node.js

You might be using the express middleware in the wrong way. Looking at the documentation tells me for example that the following code

.use( '/images', express.static( indexPath + '/images' ) )

Serves any file under the folder indexPath + '/images' with such URLs:


Is that what you would expect it to do?

My suggestion is to change from

.use( '/', require( './routes/home' ) )


.use(express.static( indexPath ))

Because according to the documentation, it will serve all static files under the indexPath folder from the root path, aka. with no prefix.

I think that is all I can help with the input you gave so far. If that doesn't do the trick, maybe you can share some small code example that I can use to reproduce it on my own.


Ok. I've tried to create a simple example of it. I made it work in the following way.My directory structure is like this:

|- index.js|- public/|---- index.html|---- test.html|---- main.js|---- angular.js|---- angular-route.js

index.js is the node server. Pay attention to the order of the routing. I also added some /home/login example to make it clear how to add other server routes that should not go through angular.

var http = require('http');var express = require('express');var app = express();app    .use(express.static('public'))    .get('/home/login', function (req, res) {        console.log('Login request');        res.status(200).send('Login from server.');    })    .all('/*', function ( req, res ) {        console.log('All');        res            .status( 200 )            .set( { 'content-type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8' } )            .sendfile('public/index.html' );    })    .on( 'error', function( error ){       console.log( "Error: \n" + error.message );       console.log( error.stack );    });http    .createServer( app ).listen( 8080 )    .on( 'error', function( error ){       console.log( "Error: \n" + error.message );       console.log( error.stack );    });console.log('Serving app on port 8080');

index.html is pretty simple.

<!doctype html><html><head>    <title>Angular HTML5 express test</title>    <script type="text/javascript" src="angular.js"></script>    <script type="text/javascript" src="angular-route.js"></script>    <script type="text/javascript" src="main.js">    </script></head><body ng-app="app">    <div ng-view></div></body></html>

main.html just adds some content. Important is the link to /test

<div>    <h1>This is just a {{val}}</h1>    <button ng-click="clicked()">Click me!</button>    <span>You clicked {{counter}} times</span>    <a href="/test">test me!</a></div>

test.html is actually irrelevant

<div>    <h4>What a beautiful day to test HTML5</h4></div>

main.js is doing the core angular html5 work

angular.module('app', ['ngRoute'])    .config(function($locationProvider) {        $locationProvider            .html5Mode({                enabled: true, // set HTML5 mode                requireBase: false // I removed this to keep it simple, but you can set your own base url            });    })    .config(function($routeProvider) {        $routeProvider            .when('/test', {templateUrl: 'test.html', controller: function() {                console.log('On /test.');            }})            .when('/', {templateUrl: 'main.html', controller: 'MyTestCtrl'})            .otherwise('/');    })    .controller('MyTestCtrl', function ($scope) {        self = $scope;        self.val = 'TeSt';        self.counter = 0;        var self = self;        self.clicked = function() {            self.counter++;        };    });

instead of:

router.get( '/*', function( req, res ) {    express.static( indexPath )})


router.get( '/:anyreq', function( req, res ) {    express.static( indexPath )})

just keep it at end of routes file.

It seems like there might be a problem with your AJAX requests.
I usually set up my routes like this:

app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, "./public")));app.use("/", require(path.join(__dirname, "./routes")));

and make calls on the front end with templateUrl: "/templates/home.html" in a directive

or $http.get("/images").success(...).error(...) using $http.

In the templateUrl case the app will go into the public directory, then the path templates and serve the html file.In the $http case I'm specifying a route so the app checks the public directory, doesn't see an images path and so moves on to the router. In the router I have a router.get("/images", function (req, res, next) { res.sendFile(...); or res.send({(data)}) }) which sends the file I need back to the front end where it is caught in the success handler.