Client side + Server side templating, feels wrong to me, how to optimize? Client side + Server side templating, feels wrong to me, how to optimize? express express

Client side + Server side templating, feels wrong to me, how to optimize?

That's very easy to use Client side + Server side templating.When we are building some web apps,we should use ajax to get some data and use the callback function to deal with it.So we should render these data on the client side.

The question is how to render them on client side?

Now We just need a client side jade.js.

Follow this document :


git clone


$ make jade.js ( in fact the project has already compile the file for us )so we just need to copy this file to the path that we use.


read my demo below :<script type='text/javascript' language='javascript' src="lib/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script><script type='text/javascript' language='javascript' src="lib/jade/jade.js"></script><script type='template' id='test'>ul  li hello world   li #{item}  li #{item}  li #{item}</script><script>  var compileText = $("#test").text();  console.log( typeof( compileText ) );  var fn = jade.compile( compileText , { layout : false } );  var out = fn( {item : "this is item " } );  console.log( out );  $("body").append( out );</script>

Now you can see the output result in the body

hello worldthis is itemthis is itemthis is item

After reading this demo I think that you would know how to seperate jade server side and client side.If you can understand which one compile the jade template,then all the questions are easy.

Maybe you would have another question now.How to write some jade template codes in *.jade?The document also provide us a way to do it.This Tutorial may help you.


!!!5html  head   title hello world  body    ul#list    script#list-template(type='template')      |- for( var i in data )      |    li(class='list') \#{ data[i].name }      |- }


/* you javascript code */var compileText = $('#list-template').text();var compile = jade.compile( compileText , { layout : false } );var data = [{ "name" : "Ben" } , {"name" : "Jack" } , {"name" : "Rose" }];var outputText = compile( data );$("#list").append( outputText );

Use template engine which will work both on the client side and server side.

A few weeks ago I wrote an npm package for Handlebars templates to share them between client and server. It's pretty basic, but it's been working really well for me so far:

Edit: I'm separately using "hbs" as the package for server-side rendering. The precompiler just delivers precompiled templates to my public javascripts directory whenever I update my hbs views.