Error: secretOrPrivateKey must have a value Error: secretOrPrivateKey must have a value express express

Error: secretOrPrivateKey must have a value

It looks like your application can't read the environment variable properly.

I don't know which package you are using to load environment variables but the simplest way is using dotenv package.

After installing it with npm i dotenv, import it as early as possible in your application main file like this:


Create .env file in your application root folder with this content ( as you see the format is key=value)


Then you can access their values like you already did:


.env file:

enter image description here

Remove the process.env.JWT_SECRET_KEY and do it this way: ${process.env.JWT_SECRET_KEY} wrap it with backtick.It solved the problem for me.

It works for me only if I concatenate it with an empty string like this:

"" + process.env.JWT_KEY