ETags for server-side rendered pages that contain CSP nonce ETags for server-side rendered pages that contain CSP nonce express express

ETags for server-side rendered pages that contain CSP nonce

One solution is to leave the whole content generation and caching to web application (Node in your case) and CSP nonce generation to front-end webserver (e.g. Nginx). I have implemented it with Django which does page caching with ETag, does all the Vary header logic etc and the HTML it produces contains such a static CSP nonce placeholder:

< script nonce="+++CSP_NONDE+++"> ... </script>

This placeholder is then filled in by Nginx using ngx_http_subs_filter_module:

sub_filter_once off;sub_filter +++CSP_NONCE+++ $ssl_session_id;add_header Content-Security-Policy "script-src 'nonce-$ssl_session_id'";

I have seen solutions using an additional Nginx module to generate a truly unique random nonce for each request but I believe it's an overkill and I'm just using TLS session identifier, which is unique per each connecting client and may be cached for some time (e.g. 10 minutes) depending on your Nginx configuration.

Just make sure the web application returns uncompressed HTML as Nginx won't be able to do string substitution.