Express 4.14 - How to send 200 status with a custom message? Express 4.14 - How to send 200 status with a custom message? express express

Express 4.14 - How to send 200 status with a custom message?

You can use:

res.status(200).send('some text');

if you want to pass number to the send method, convert it to string first to avoid deprecation error message.

the deprecation is for sending status directly inside send.

res.send(200) // <- is deprecated

BTW - the default status is 200, so you can simply use res.send('Success 1').Use .status() only for other status codes

You shouldn't be getting that last error if you're using that exact code:

res.status(200).send('Success 1')

My guess is that you're not using the string "Success 1" but a numerical variable or value instead:

let value = 123;res.status(200).send(value);

That would trigger the warning. Instead, make sure that value is stringified:

let value = 123;res.status(200).send(String(value));