Express js - can't redirect Express js - can't redirect express express

Express js - can't redirect

Browser does not redirect the window on redirect on ajax response. Redirect the browser with javascript.

In server send the new site as content, for example.

res.contentType('application/json');var data = JSON.stringify('')res.header('Content-Length', data.length);res.end(data);

In client

var req =   ""+"/dologin",     {"username" : username, "password" : password}, 'json').error(function(){       alert("an error occurred");    }).success(function(data) {       window.location = data;    });

I've actually encountered the same thing when developing an app. It seems Express doesn't redirect if the method is post.

Try:'/dologin',function(req, res) {  req.method = 'get';   res.redirect(''); });

I'm doing something like this when using OAuth2. I have an link to one of my pages and this in turn redirects to google.

To redirect to another location the following code does the actual redirect

app.get('/GoogleRequestAuthorization.html',function(req,res) {....res.writeHead(302, {location: url});res.end();


url being the address you want to redirect to.

The full function is...