Express.js, Unexpected token < Express.js, Unexpected token < express express

Express.js, Unexpected token <

There seems to be a loopback occuring, since the * rule is serving a index.html every time, and when bundle.js is not found, it will serve index.html instead, thus trying to parse < as javascript.

A sort of index-ception if you will...

Step 1

Folder structure:

public   -> index.html   -> bundle.js

Step 2

Configure static path like this


Step 3

Ensure if it is properly configured .Go to browser and access your js file directly like


If you see your javascript ...Hurrray. If not then fight with step 2 then check step 3

Step 4

use same path in script tag in ui like

<script src="/bundle.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

I fixed the same issue by adding the following line:

app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, "public")));