Express middleware before response is carried out to client Express middleware before response is carried out to client express express

Express middleware before response is carried out to client

Well you can override the send function:

app.use(function (req, res) {    var send = res.send;    res.send = function (body) { // It might be a little tricky here, because send supports a variety of arguments, and you have to make sure you support all of them!        // Do something with the body..., body);    };});

If you want to support more than just calling send(like calling end method), then you have to override more functions...

You can check connect-livereload on how it adds a script to any html output.

One more solution from here:

expressApp.use(function (req, res, next) {    req.on("end", function () {        console.log('on request end');    });    next();});

Your lack of code makes it really hard to answer your question, but you could use something like

Express 4.0:router.use('/path', function (req, res) {    // Modify req});

.use on a route will parse that before continuing on to the actual route so if somebody submitted a form or something, it will hit the .use before it goes to the .post or .get

Or you can do

Express 4.0:app.use(function (req, res) {    // Modify Req    if (req.body.hasOwnProperty('some_form_name')) {       // Do Somthing    }});

Which is the same thing, but it will be called before every request for every route.

Not sure if this answers your question but I think this might be what you're looking for?