Expressjs FB login without Passport.js or everyauth Expressjs FB login without Passport.js or everyauth express express

Expressjs FB login without Passport.js or everyauth

I write / maintain the express-stormpath library which does this for ya.

Here's an example app (in it's entirety):

var express = require('express');var stormpath = require('express-stormpath');var app = express();app.use(stormpath.init(app, {  application: '',  secretKey: 'some_long_random_string',  enableFacebook: true,  social: {    facebook: {      appId: 'xxx',      appSecret: 'xxx',    }  },  }));app.listen(3000);

Obviously, this requires you to create a Facebook app and setup some config options, this doc explains how to do it:

Hope that helps =)

This will give you data on alert ,, use FB AppId

 <div id="fb-root"></div> <script src=""></script> <script>           var facebookAppId = 'XXXXXX';           var _fBAccessToken ='';           window.fbAsyncInit = function() {             FB.init({                 appId: facebookAppId,                 xfbml: true,                 version: 'v2.0',                 status: true,                 cookie: true,                 oauth: true             }); FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {      if ((response.status)&&(response.status=='connected')) {                     userId = response.authResponse.userID;                     _fBAccessToken = response.authResponse.accessToken;                     FB.api('/me', function(responsed) {                         alert(JSON.stringify(responsed))                     },{scope:'public_profile,email'}); })</script>

the only useful documentation for vanilla node.js / express authentication i've managed to find is facebook's:

you have to set up apps (a test app for dev / localhost and a prod app that'll be live) at first, but once that's done it's the standard oauth procedure with only a couple of facebook-specific options