ExpressJS & Websocket & session sharing ExpressJS & Websocket & session sharing express express

ExpressJS & Websocket & session sharing

I found this works for me. Not sure it's the best way to do this though. First, initialize your express application:

// whatever your express app is using here...var session = require("express-session");var sessionParser = session({    store: session_store,    cookie: {secure: true, maxAge: null, httpOnly: true}});app.use(sessionParser);

Now, explicitly call the session middleware from the WS connection. If you're using the express-session module, the middleware will parse the cookies by itself. Otherwise, you might need to send it through your cookie-parsing middleware first.

If you're using the websocket module:

ws.on("request", function(req){    sessionParser(req.httpRequest, {}, function(){        console.log(req.httpRequest.session);        // do stuff with the session here    });});

If you're using the ws module:

ws.on("connection", function(req){    sessionParser(req.upgradeReq, {}, function(){        console.log(req.upgradeReq.session);        // do stuff with the session here    });});

For your convenience, here is a fully working example, using express, express-session, and ws:

var app = require('express')();var server = require("http").createServer(app);var sessionParser = require('express-session')({    secret:"secret",    resave: true,    saveUninitialized: true});app.use(sessionParser);app.get("*", function(req, res, next) {    req.session.working = "yes!";    res.send("<script>var ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:3000');</script>");});var ws = new require("ws").Server({server: server});ws.on("connection", function connection(req) {    sessionParser(req.upgradeReq, {}, function(){        console.log("New websocket connection:");        var sess = req.upgradeReq.session;        console.log("working = " + sess.working);    });});server.listen(3000);

I was able to get this working. I think you need to specify the secret on cookieParser instead of session store.

Example from my app:

var app = express();var RedisStore = require('connect-redis')(express);var sessionStore = new RedisStore();var cookieParser = express.cookieParser('some secret');app.use(cookieParser);app.use(express.session({store: sessionStore}));wss.on('connection', function(rawSocket) {  cookieParser(rawSocket.upgradeReq, null, function(err) {    var sessionID = rawSocket.upgradeReq.signedCookies['connect.sid'];    sessionStore.get(sessionID, function(err, sess) {      console.log(sess);    });  });});

In version 3.2.0 of ws you have to do it a bit differently.

There is a full working example of express session parsing in the ws repo, specifically using a new feature verifyClient.

A very brief usage summary:

const sessionParser = session({  saveUninitialized: false,  secret: '$eCuRiTy',  resave: false})const server = http.createServer(app)const wss = new WebSocket.Server({  verifyClient: (info, done) => {    console.log('Parsing session from request...')    sessionParser(info.req, {}, () => {      console.log('Session is parsed!')      done(info.req.session.userId)    })  },  server})wss.on('connection', (ws, req) => {  ws.on('message', (message) => {    console.log(`WS message ${message} from user ${req.session.userId}`)  })})