Frontend and Backend with express Frontend and Backend with express express express

Frontend and Backend with express

The issue that the backend stylesheet is served by express is a consequence of how express handles requests in conjunction with your application architecture.

A web browser requests a stylesheet /css/site.css express accepts this request and processes all middleware and routers. Since you set up your main app like this


The backend app first handles the request. Since you've registered the static middleware in your backend app

app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

the stylesheet /css/site.css is served from your backend app if this stylesheet exists. This happens for every middleware and route. So any route or asset (css, image) that is requested by a client will be first processed by your backend app. As a consequence routes and assets in the backend app will "hide" routes and assets in your frontend app if they are served via the same route.

A simple solution to your problem would be that you're not serving backend and frontend apps from your main app but to start two express apps in server.js:

var config = require('../app/config.json')[process.env.NODE_ENV];var backend = require('./backend/core');backend.set('port', config.backend.port || 3000);var backendServer = backend.listen(backend.get('port'), function() {    console.log('Backend server listening on port ' + backend.get('port') + ' in ' + backend.get('env') + ' mode');});var frontend = require('./frontend/client');frontend.set('port', config.frontend.port || 3001);var frontendServer = frontend.listen(frontend.get('port'), function() {    console.log('Frontend server listening on port ' + frontend.get('port') + ' in ' + frontend.get('env') + ' mode');});