Get Data from CSV File in nodejs Get Data from CSV File in nodejs express express

Get Data from CSV File in nodejs

Node comes with a readline module in it's core, allowing you to process a readable stream line by line.

var fs = require("fs"),    readline = require("readline");var file = "something.csv";var rl = readline.createInterface({    input: fs.createReadStream(file),    output: null,    terminal: false})rl.on("line", function(line) {    console.log("Got line: " + line);});rl.on("close", function() {    console.log("All data processed.");});

I think the module 'split' by dominic tarr will suffice.It breaks up the stream line by line.

fs.createReadStream(file)    .pipe(split())    .on('data', function (line) {      //each chunk now is a seperate line!    })