GraphQL subscription, websocket, nodejs, Express session GraphQL subscription, websocket, nodejs, Express session express express

GraphQL subscription, websocket, nodejs, Express session

I know this old but ran into this issue myself and how i solved it was I ran webSocket.upgradeReq.session through my session middleware.

enter image description here

Then in onConnect:

enter image description here

And you have access to your session

This is what ! use

  //Session middleware before resolvers  const sessionParser = session({    store,    secret: config.get('keys.session_secret'),    //...The rest config here    }  });
  const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({    schema,    context: ({req, res, connection}: TheContext): TheContext => {      return {req, res, redisStore: store, connection}; //connection is must here    },    subscriptions: {      onConnect: (_params, _ws, ctx) => {        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {          const req = ctx.request as express.Request;          const res = ({} as any) as express.Response;          //Parsing session          sessionParser(req, res, (_: any) => {            const session = req.session as any;            //Getting userId which was stored during login            const userId = session.userId;            if (!userId) {              reject(new AppError('You are not logged in'));            }            //This will be available in subscription via connection as            //something.connection.context.userId            resolve({userId});          });        });      }    }  });

And I use with TypeGraphql like this

  @Subscription(() => Post, {    topics: ({context}) => `${Topic.DELETED_POST}:${parseUserId(context)}`,    description: 'To be used in requests list and not for individual request'  })  deletedPost(@Root() post: Post) {    return post;  }

This is how I get access to userId which was stored in session

export function parseUserId(obj: any): string {  return obj.connection.context.userId ?? '';}

Credit to all answers here

See this comment: by dougwilson to get the session values.

If you just want to get the session contents (and not write back a new session -- which would not be possible without a res anyhow), you could likely just use the cookies module directly, which is what this module uses under the hood to read the cookie and validate the signature. A possible example:

const Cookies = require('cookies')// …const cookies = new Cookies(req, null, { keys }) const session =JSON.parse(Buffer.from(cookies.get('session'),'base64').toString('utf8'))

And onConnect return whatever you need to use on subscribe()