Handling input arrays in Express forms? Handling input arrays in Express forms? express express

Handling input arrays in Express forms?

For bodyParser.urlencoded, if you set the extended option to true, attribute names of the format property[nestedProperty] will be interpreted by the bodyParser middleware as:

{ property: nestedPropert: $value }

Just be sure to initialize the middleware like so:

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true });

Afterwards, change the above form declaration to have the message property be an object, instead of a string value, like so:

form(action='', method='POST')    - for (var i = 0; i < messages_ids.length; i++)        - var message_id = messages_ids[i]        //- so we're treating each index like a property of `message`        input(type='text', name='messages[#{i}][message]')        input(type='text', name='messages[{#{i}}][author]')        input(type='hidden', name='messages[#{i}][id]', value='#{message_id}')    input(type='submit', value='Send')

And then, on the server side, request.body.messages would be an object, that looks like:

{  "messages": {    "1": {      "message": $message1,      "author": $author1,      "id": $id1    },    "2": {      "message": $message2,      "author": $author2,      "id": $id2    } /* , ... */  }}

And then, you can easily convert request.body.messages into an array:

var messages = Array.prototype.slice.call(request.body.messages);

And now, you should be able to access each elements like so (note: I prefer a functional style, but I'll keep it consistent with yours):

for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {  console.log({    'ObjectId' + messages[i].id,    'Message' + messages[i].message,    'Author' + messages[i].author  });}

P.S.: if you're wondering of a functional style, then here it is:

messages.forEach(function (message) {  console.log(    'ObjectId' + message.id,    'Message' + message.message,    'Author' + messages.author  );});

Edit: special thanks to @eye_mew for pointing out that we need to set extended to true.