Handling successful payment processing but database update failure Handling successful payment processing but database update failure express express

Handling successful payment processing but database update failure

With payment systems, you always need a consolidation process (hourly, daily, monthly) based on sane accounting principles that will check that every money flow is matched.

In your case, I suggest that every external async call logs the sent parameters and the received response. If you do not have a response within a certain time, you know that something has gone wrong on the external system (Stripe, in your case) or on the way back from the external system (you mention a database failure on your side)

Basically, for each async "transaction" that you spawn, you know when you start it and have to decide of a reasonable amount of time before it ends. Thus you have an expected_end_ts in the database.

If you have not received an answer after expected_end_ts, you know that something is wrong. Then you could ask for the status to Stripe or another PSP. Hopefully the API will give you a sane answer as to whether the payment went through or not.

Also note that you should add a step between 1. and 2 : re-read the database. You want to make sure that every payment request you make is really in the database, stored exactly as you are going to send it.