Helmet and contentSecurityPolicy and using nonce AND adding it but still getting error Helmet and contentSecurityPolicy and using nonce AND adding it but still getting error express express

Helmet and contentSecurityPolicy and using nonce AND adding it but still getting error

I am a newbie here but I noticed that in your error:

Refused to load the script '<URL>' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' nonce-a449a007188e909846c2e74148c3e1b0

the nonce-a449a007188e909846c2e74148c3e1b0 is lacking the 's so I would consider modifying your contentSecurityPolicy function as:

export default function contentSecurityPolicy(nonce) {  return helmet.contentSecurityPolicy({    directives: {      defaultSrc: trusted,      scriptSrc: [        "'unsafe-eval'",        "'unsafe-inline'",        `'nonce-${nonce}'`,        'https://www.googletagmanager.com',        '*.googletagmanager.com',      ].concat(trusted),      ...    }   });}

Add the 's when writting the nonce-${nonce} part.

Reference: Helmet JS in the Reference > helmet.contentSecurityPolicy(options) > Examples > // Sets "Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self';script-src 'self' 'nonce-e33ccde670f149c1789b1e1e113b0916'" section