Hiding api url in react/redux application (proxy) Hiding api url in react/redux application (proxy) express express

Hiding api url in react/redux application (proxy)

You have a valid concern.

Typically you would have your clientside code make calls to, say, /api, and in express (or whatever server you use) create a route for "/api" that proxies that request to the actual api url.

This way you can obscure any sensitive information from the client. For example authentication tokens, api keys, etc.

In express you could do something like this:

app.use('/api', (req, res) => {  const method = req.method.toLowerCase();  const headers = req.headers;  const url = 'your_actual_api_url';  // Proxy request  const proxyRequest = req.pipe(    request({      url      headers,      method,    })  );  const data = [];  proxyRequest.on('data', (chunk) => {    data.push(chunk);  });  proxyRequest.on('end', () => {    const { response } = proxyRequest;    const buf = Buffer.concat(data).toString();    res.status(response.statusCode).send(buf);  });});

This example is a bit more elaborate that is has to be, but it will probably work for you.