how can Export the class and define middleware in typescript how can Export the class and define middleware in typescript express express

how can Export the class and define middleware in typescript

create instance of your class before export.Try some like:

class User {...}const userRoute =  new User()export {userRoute}

Updated based in doc of routing-controllers

according to the github page of that library, the use in express should be like this:

@Controller()export class UserController {    @Get("/users")    getAll(@Req() request: Request, @Res() response: Response) {        return response.send("Hello response!");    }}import "reflect-metadata";import { useExpressServer } from "routing-controllers";let express = require("express"); // or you can import it if you have installed typingslet app = express(); // your created express server// app.use() // you can configure it the way you wantuseExpressServer(app, { // register created express server in routing-controllers    controllers: [UserController] // and configure it the way you need (controllers, validation, etc.)});app.listen(3000); // run your express server

take a look at their doc