How can I get soft deleted entity from typeorm postgreSQL? How can I get soft deleted entity from typeorm postgreSQL? express express

How can I get soft deleted entity from typeorm postgreSQL?

I found out there is another solution. You can use the querybuilders .withDeleted() method to also return soft deleted entities.


 const query = await this.manager        .getRepository(FolderEntity)        .createQueryBuilder('folder')        .leftJoinAndSelect('folder.subStatus', 'status')        .withDeleted()         .getMany()

Actually referring to the findOptions doc you can pass the withDeleted boolean that will retrieve the soft deleted rows.

for example:

const result = await this.repo.find({ where: { id }, withDeleted: true })

After more searching I found that only solution is to use raw sql query for that as it is shown in typeorm docs at the query block.

const deletedEntity = await connection    .getRepository(Entity)    .query(`SELECT * FROM Entity where id = '${deletedEntityId}'`)

This query returns values with deletedAt timestamp.