How can I turn an EJS template into a string? How can I turn an EJS template into a string? express express

How can I turn an EJS template into a string?

Depending on the ejs version the following should work.

var ejs = require('ejs'),    fs = require('fs'),    file = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/template.ejs', 'ascii'),    rendered = ejs.render(file, { locals: { items:[1,2,3] } });console.log(rendered);

You may need to install ejs if it isn't already installed.

cd;npm install ejs

You don't need to use fs. This is built into EJS (not sure if it was at the time previous answer was posted).

It returns a Promise however so you could use Async/await to get the value:

let htmlasync function myFunc() {    html = await ejs.renderFile(filePath, data, options)} console.log(html)

Alternatively it provides a callback function:

ejs.renderFile(filePath, data, options, function(err, html) {    console.log(html)})