How can I use if statement in ejs? How can I use if statement in ejs? express express

How can I use if statement in ejs?

Something like this:

<% if(imgs.length > 0){ %>    <% imgs.forEach(function(img) { %>        <img src="uploads/<%=user.username%>/screenshots/<%= img %>">    <% }); %><% } else{ %>      <p>no photos uploaded</p><% } %>


Yes , Here is short hand version :

<%= role == 'A' ? 'Super Admin' : ? 'Admin' %>

The shorthand version is correct, but it does have a syntax error

<%= role === 'admin' ? 'Super Admin' : 'Admin' %>


<% if(role === 'admin'){ %>    <p>Super Admin</p><% } else{ %>    <p>Admin</p><% } %>