How do I stream JSON from node? How do I stream JSON from node? express express

How do I stream JSON from node?

You can directly write to res object in express with something like this

var data=[/* a large array of json objects*/];////let us divide this large array into chunks of smaller arrayfunction chunk(arr, chunkSize) {    var R = [];    for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i += chunkSize)        R.push(arr.slice(i, i + chunkSize));    return R;}var new_data=chunk(data,10);//[/* array of arrays*/], chunk size is 10res.writeHead(200, {        'Content-Type': 'application/json',        'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked'})res.write("["); //array starting bracketfor (var i = 0; i < new_data.length - 1; i++) {        res.write(JSON.stringify(new_data[i]) + ',');}res.write(JSON.stringify(new_data[new_data.length-i]));res.write("]"); //array ending bracketres.end();

And in the client use something like this

// using axiosvar url = 'http://localhost:3000';axios.get(url, { responseType: 'stream' }).then(handleRes);function handleRes(res) {    // res.headers available here'data', data => {        data = data.toString(); // utf8 by default, change if needed        if (data === '[' || data === ']') return console.log(data);        var jsonStr = data.slice(-1) === '}' ? data : data.slice(0, -1);        console.log(JSON.parse(jsonStr));    })}

If you need to generate one large JSON string from all your data, you're pretty much stuck with storing everything in memory and then JSON.stringify-ing it.

An alternative would be to have each item be a separate JSON string, using a newline character as delimiter. That way, as soon as you have processed an item, you can stringify it and pipe it to your response using Node streams, and in the client you can process the data you receive line by line as well. It would go something like this:

// For each page of data you get, loop over the items like you sayfor item in dataset // Yes that's Coffeescript  // Manipulate the item as you need, then make a JSON string out of it  jsonStr = JSON.stringify(item) + '\n'  // Pipe the string to your http response  jsonStr.toStream().pipe(res) // Assuming 'res' is the Express response object

This is not the only way to approach your issue, but especially if you like to use JSON it is one of the easiest implementations. I don't have any experience with Sails though, but I imagine the basic implementation will be the same.

I hope my answer helps you, if not feel free to comment.

Note: the .toStream() method comes from my module streammagic but there are of course other ways to make a stream out of a string.