How do you send images to node js with Axios? How do you send images to node js with Axios? express express

How do you send images to node js with Axios?

Here is the way I got this to work properly. I had to make use of an object called FormData. I used the import:

import FormData from 'form-data'

Of course before this import I had to run the npm install for it:

npm install --save form-data

Once I did all that, here is how I used it within my action:

let data = new FormData();data.append('file', file,;return (dispatch) => {, data, {  headers: {    'accept': 'application/json',    'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.8',    'Content-Type': `multipart/form-data; boundary=${data._boundary}`,  }})  .then((response) => {    //handle success  }).catch((error) => {    //handle error  });};}

The important pieces to note here are:

  1. I included some headers as a configuration object after the data object passed into the call. The content type you're including here is the key. You're submitting a multipart/form-data content type.
  2. Within that Content type header, I also added a boundary, which is derived from the data object you created earlier.
  3. The 'file' used here is just the file object I passed into my action. It's just the name I used for my object, you can use anything you want here.

Hope this helps, this cleared up all of the issues I had with trying to submit an image to a backend (in my case a rest service - through a post call).

Yes you will have to set the content type in your axios request:

axios.put(url, imageFile, {  headers: {    'Content-Type': imageFile.type  }});

where imageFile is an HTML5 file object which should be an image in your case.

Here is how I implemented it:

onFormSubmit(event){    var form = new FormData();    files.forEach(file => {        form.append(, file);    });    form.append('foo', 'bar');'/api/art', form)    }); 

On node js server make sure to use some middle-ware which handles multipart requests. I used multer.

Here are my results on the endpoint:

req.body - { foo: 'bar' }req.files - {     'r1.jpg': {       fieldname: 'r1.jpg',      originalname: 'r1.jpg',      name: 'e2f4b9874fd7d6115b9f7440b9ead3a0.jpg',      encoding: '7bit',      mimetype: 'image/jpeg',      path: '/tmp/e2f4b9874fd7d6115b9f7440b9ead3a0.jpg',      extension: 'jpg',      size: 45641,      truncated: false,      buffer: null     }, ...}