How to access to the previous URL parameters from router How to access to the previous URL parameters from router express express

How to access to the previous URL parameters from router

If you have a GET request in your API set up like:

app.get('/projects/:project_id/context_items/:ci_id', function(req, res) {})

You can acess both project_id and ci_id using req.param.

However, if you have a parameter middleware like:

app.param('[project_id', 'ci_id']', (req, res, next, value)=>{  next();});

You can bind anything you want to the request, e.g. req.value = value

Since the middleware runs before every route that matches either the project_id or the ci_id parameter, req.value value will change depending on your request.

So if your server gets this request: GET /project/12/context_items/24 and your API has a route set up that logs the value of req.param:

app.get('/projects/:project_id/context_items/:ci_id', function(req, res) {   console.log(req.value) });

It will first log 12, then 24.