How to add MIME type with Express How to add MIME type with Express express express

How to add MIME type with Express

For express 4.x, good documentation on mime-type can be found in

For example, Safari browser would show the content of csv instead of downloading the csv with <a href="some.csv">download here</a>.

You can get around this by adding the following

express.static.mime.define({'application/octet-stream': ['csv']})

Assuming it's a video in a public directory, you can use the static middleware for this:

app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

If you need to alter the mime table (like to add or change an extension, do):

express.mime.type['ogv'] = 'video/ogg';

But I think all the ones you listed are already there.

Then requests to /foo.wav will serve up /public/foo.wav with the proper content-type header, provided no other middleware handles the route first.

There is a static text file which is probably better, called "mime.types"