How to convert JSON array to CSV using Node.js? How to convert JSON array to CSV using Node.js? express express

How to convert JSON array to CSV using Node.js?

Do it yourself like this:

'use strict';var fs = require('fs');let myObj = {  "rows": [    [      "New , Visitor",      "(not set)",      "(not set)",      "0"    ],    [      "New Visitor",      "(not set)",      "(not set)",      "mobile"    ],    [      "New Visitor",      "(not set)",      "(not set)",      "mobile"    ],    [      "New Visitor",      "(not set)",      "(not set)",      "mobile",    ]  ]}// 1. One way - if you want the results to be in double quotes and you have comas inside// choose another string to temporally replace commas if necessarylet stringToReplaceComas = '!!!!'; => {, index) => {    singleRow[index] = value.replace(/,/g, stringToReplaceComas);  })})let csv = `"${myObj.rows.join('"\n"').replace(/,/g, '","')}"`;// // or like this// let csv = `"${myObj.rows.join('"\n"').split(',').join('","')}"`;csv = csv.replace(new RegExp(`${stringToReplaceComas}`, 'g'), ',');// // 2. Another way - if you don't need the double quotes in the generated csv and you don't have comas in rows' values// let csv = myObj.rows.join('\n')fs.writeFile('name.csv', csv, 'utf8', function(err) {  if (err) {    console.log('Some error occured - file either not saved or corrupted file saved.');  } else {    console.log('It\'s saved!');  }});

Use libraries


an example using json-2-csv (

'use strict';const converter = require('json-2-csv');let myObj = {  "rows": [    {      value1: "New Visitor",      value2: "(not set)",      value3: "(not set)",      value4: "0"    },    {      value1: "New Visitor",      value2: "(not set)",      value3: "(not set)",      value4: "mobile"    },    {      value1: "New Visitor",      value2: "(not set)",      value3: "(not set)",      value4: "mobile"    },    {      value1: "New Visitor",      value2: "(not set)",      value3: "(not set)",      value4: "mobile",    }  ]}let json2csvCallback = function (err, csv) {    if (err) throw err;    fs.writeFile('name.csv', csv, 'utf8', function(err) {      if (err) {        console.log('Some error occured - file either not saved or corrupted file saved.');      } else {        console.log('It\'s saved!');      }    });};converter.json2csv(myObj.rows, json2csvCallback, {  prependHeader: false      // removes the generated header of "value1,value2,value3,value4" (in case you don't want it)});

an example using csv-stringify (

'use strict';var stringify = require('csv-stringify');var fs = require('fs');let myObj = {  "rows": [    [      "New Visitor",      "(not set)",      "(not set)",      "0"    ],    [      "New Visitor",      "(not set)",      "(not set)",      "mobile"    ],    [      "New Visitor",      "(not set)",      "(not set)",      "mobile"    ],    [      "New Visitor",      "(not set)",      "(not set)",      "mobile",    ]  ]}stringify(myObj.rows, function(err, output) {  fs.writeFile('name.csv', output, 'utf8', function(err) {    if (err) {      console.log('Some error occured - file either not saved or corrupted file saved.');    } else {      console.log('It\'s saved!');    }  });});

Three easy steps: Read. Convert. Write.

Step 1: Read.

If you need to read the JSON from a file (as indicated by your inclusion of the filename response.json in your post), you will require the Node.js FileSystem API:

const fs = require('fs');                          // Require Node.js FileSystem API.const JSONFile = fs.readFileSync('response.json'); // Read the file synchronously.

Note: If you prefer, you can read the file asynchronously with fs.readFile() and perform the conversion in a callback function.

Step 2: Convert.

Whether you read your JSON from a local file or GET it from a server, you will need to parse it into a Plain Old JavaScript Object first using the JSON.parse method:

const JSONasPOJO = JSON.parse(JSONFile); // Parse JSON into POJO.

Then perform a series of joins on the child arrays and parent array:

/* THIS IS UNNECESSARY FOR "COMMA" SEPARATED VALUESconst CSVString = JSONasPOJO    .rows                    // Get `rows`, which is an array.    .map(                    // Map returns a new array.        row => row.join(',') // Each child array becomes a comma-separated string.       )                        .join('\n');             // Parent array becomes a newline-separated string...                             // ...of comma-separated strings.                             // It is now a single CSV string!*/


While the previous code certainly works, it is unnecessary to use .map and .join on the child arrays. As @Relu demonstrates, a single .join on the parent array is sufficient because JavaScript will automatically convert the child arrays into comma-separated strings by default since .join must return a string and cannot contain any child arrays.

You could use the above pattern if you want to join the child arrays with something other than a comma.


var CSVString = JSONasPOJO.rows.join('\n'); // Array becomes a newline-separated...                                            // ...string of comma-separated strings.                                            // It is now a single CSV string!

Here, we can see that conversion in action:

const JSONasPOJO = {  "rows": [    [      "New Visitor",      "(not set)",      "(not set)",            "0"    ],    [      "New Visitor",      "(not set)",      "(not set)",      "mobile"          ],    [      "New Visitor",      "(not set)",      "(not set)",      "mobile"        ],    [      "New Visitor",      "(not set)",      "(not set)",      "mobile" // NOTE: Here I removed a trailing comma,               // ...which is invalid JSON!    ]  ]}const CSVString = JSONasPOJO.rows.join('\n');console.log(CSVString);