how to fix "can't read property push of undefined" error in Nodejs? how to fix "can't read property push of undefined" error in Nodejs? express express

how to fix "can't read property push of undefined" error in Nodejs?

In genres.js, you should import

const router = express.Router();

instead of

const router = express.Router;

Also, the error you mention could be from any push in your code (without any more info), please specify the stacktrace next time :)

Use const router = express.Router() instead of const router = express.Router.

It can be wrong variable name :)

I made a mistake due to intelligence in my quick sample -

Typically signature of a ReST call isrouter.get("/something", (req: any, res: any, next: any) => {response.write("test");response.end();});

Here if you will notice I was using response where as i was suppose to use res

Moreover ensure you have registered your routes usingapp.use(router);