How to integrate http2 with ExpressJS using nodejs module http2? How to integrate http2 with ExpressJS using nodejs module http2? express express

How to integrate http2 with ExpressJS using nodejs module http2?

expressjs still does not officially support Node http2

enter image description here

For more details visit here

But you can use node-spdy. With this module, you can create HTTP2 / SPDY servers in node.js with natural http module interface and fallback to regular https (for browsers that support neither HTTP2 nor SPDY yet).

 const port = 3000    const spdy = require('spdy')    const express = require('express')    const path = require('path')    const fs = require('fs')        const app = express()        app.get('*', (req, res) => {        res          .status(200)          .json({message: 'ok'})    })    const options = {        key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/server.key'),        cert:  fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/server.crt')    }    console.log(options)    spdy      .createServer(options, app)      .listen(port, (error) => {        if (error) {          console.error(error)          return process.exit(1)        } else {          console.log('Listening on port: ' + port + '.')        }      })

For more datils on spdy, visit here.

if you have an option for other frameworks you can use 'KOA' or 'HAPI' which have support for node http2. This might be useful for you

Also, Read this Release 5.0#2237, It says that:

The goal of Express 5 is to be API tweaks & the removal of all codefrom the Express repository, moving into components in the pillarjsproject (, providing at least basicsupport for promise-returning handlers and complete HTTP/2functionality. Express 5 would become a "view into pillarjs" and wouldbe an arrangement of these components.