How to pipe multiple readable streams, from multiple api requests, to a single writeable stream? How to pipe multiple readable streams, from multiple api requests, to a single writeable stream? express express

How to pipe multiple readable streams, from multiple api requests, to a single writeable stream?

The core problem to solve here is asynchronicity. You almost had it: the problem with the code you posted is that you are piping all source streams in parallel & unordered into the target stream. This means data chunks will flow randomly from different audio streams - even your end event will outrace the pipes without end closing the target stream too early, which might explain why it increases after you re-open it.

What you want is to pipe them sequentially - you even posted the solution when you quoted

You want to add the second read into an eventlistener for the first read to finish...

or as code:

a.pipe(c, { end:false });a.on('end', function() {  b.pipe(c);}

This will pipe the source streams in sequential order into the target stream.

Taking your code this would mean to replace the audio_files.forEach loop with:

await Bluebird.mapSeries(audio_files, async (audio, index) => {      const isLastIndex = index == audio_files_length - 1;    audio.pipe(write_stream, { end: isLastIndex });    return new Promise(resolve => audio.on('end', resolve));});

Note the usage of bluebird.js mapSeries here.

Further advice regarding your code:

  • you should consider using lodash.js
  • you should use const & let instead of var and consider using camelCase
  • when you notice "it works with one event, but fails with multiple" always think: asynchronicity, permutations, race conditions.

Further reading, limitations of combining native node streams:

I'll give my two cents here, since I looked at a similar question recently! From what I have tested, and researched, you can combine the two .mp3 / .wav streams into one. This results in a file that has noticable issues as you've mentioned such as truncation, glitches etc.

The only way I believe you can combine the Audio streams correctly will be with a module that is designed to concatenate sound files/data.

The best result I have obtained is to synthesize the audio into separate files, then combine like so:

function combineMp3Files(files, outputFile) {    const ffmpeg = require("fluent-ffmpeg");    const combiner = ffmpeg().on("error", err => {        console.error("An error occurred: " + err.message);    })    .on("end", () => {        console.log('Merge complete');    });    // Add in each .mp3 file.    files.forEach(file => {        combiner.input(file)    });    combiner.mergeToFile(outputFile); }

This uses the node-fluent-ffmpeg library, which requires installing ffmpeg.

Other than that I'd suggest you ask IBM support (because as you say the docs don't seem to indicate this) how API callers should combine the synthesized audio, since your use case will be very common.

To create the text files, I do the following:

// Switching to audio/webm and the V3 voices.. much better output function synthesizeText(text) {    const synthesizeParams = {        text: text,        accept: 'audio/webm',        voice: 'en-US_LisaV3Voice'    };    return textToSpeech.synthesize(synthesizeParams);}async function synthesizeTextChunksSeparateFiles(text_chunks) {    const audioArray = await Promise.all(;    console.log(`synthesizeTextChunks: Received ${audioArray.length} result(s), writing to separate files...`);    audioArray.forEach((audio, index) => {        audio.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(`audio-${index}.mp3`));    });}

And then combine like so:

combineMp3Files(['audio-0.mp3', 'audio-1.mp3', 'audio-2.mp3', 'audio-3.mp3', 'audio-4.mp3'], 'combined.mp3');

I should point out that I'm doing this in two separate steps (waiting a few hundred milliseconds would also work), but it should be easy enough to wait for the individual files to be written, then combine them.

Here's a function that will do this:

async function synthesizeTextChunksThenCombine(text_chunks, outputFile) {    const audioArray = await Promise.all(;    console.log(`synthesizeTextChunks: Received ${audioArray.length} result(s), writing to separate files...`);    let writePromises =, index) => {        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {            audio.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(`audio-${index}.mp3`).on('close', () => {                   resolve(`audio-${index}.mp3`);            }));        })    });    let files = await Promise.all(writePromises);    console.log('synthesizeTextChunksThenCombine: Separate files: ', files);    combineMp3Files(files, outputFile);}

WebRTC would be good option for above problem. Because your once your file has generation done , i will give client to listen.