How to send a token with an AJAX request from jQuery How to send a token with an AJAX request from jQuery express express

How to send a token with an AJAX request from jQuery

You can set the headers in a $.ajax request:

$.ajax({  url: "http://localhost:8080/login",  type: 'GET',  // Fetch the stored token from localStorage and set in the header  headers: {"Authorization": localStorage.getItem('token')}});

If you are using JWT authentication then this is how you add it to the headers in .ajax() method:

headers: {    Authorization: 'Bearer '+token}


I use the approach below to cover JWT authentication with the result status types

$.ajax({  url: "http://localhost:8080/login",  type: "POST",  headers: { Authorization: $`Bearer ${localStorage.getItem("token")}` },  data: formData,  error: function(err) {    switch (err.status) {      case "400":        // bad request        break;      case "401":        // unauthorized        break;      case "403":        // forbidden        break;      default:        //Something bad happened        break;    }  },  success: function(data) {    console.log("Success!");  }});