How to type `request.query` in express using TypeScript? How to type `request.query` in express using TypeScript? express express

How to type `request.query` in express using TypeScript?

The solution is to use generics in the following manner.

const router = Router();interface Foo {    foo: string;}function getHandler(request: Request<{}, {}, {}, Foo>, response: Response) {  const { query } = request;;}router.route('/')  .get(getHandler)

I like to use the following approach in my projects.

  const { url } = req.query;    if (typeof url !== "string") {    throw new ServerError("Query param 'url' has to be of type string", 400);  }

After checking the type TypeScript won't complain any more for this scope.

Another possible solution is to use Type Assertion:

function getHandler(request: Request, response: Response) {  const foo: string = as string  //do something with foo ...}